For this project the main goal was to repair the ceilings, there had been some major cracks cutting through in a straight line caused by a major renovation. Now I know most people dread the thought of having to work above their head especially doing a Lime plaster finish. For me though its just another day at the office. I love ceilings, they have a feeling of a challenge like hiking a mountain or running in a marathon. You see when you start any venetian plaster finish their is no stopping you must complete the task. So if I am distressing a 300 square foot ceiling I have to complete it in that day. The beauty of this project was the creativity, I was able to come up with ideas like the rosettes, which added a great deal of architectural detail. I hope you enjoy the video. Give me your thoughts on the video did you learn something new or have an idea you would like to share? Post a comment
Darrell Morrison
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